Pisada do Sertão innovates in projects and awakens in the country people the desire and professional fulfillment through entrepreneurship.
The Creative Territory Rota do Sol Project: culture and socio-productive inclusion, developed by Pisada do Sertão, aims to promote sustainable local development of municipalities in the Alto Sertão Paraibano from the strengthening of popular arts as a mechanism for cultural production and socio-productive inclusion of women. and young people in the region, that is, the goal is to add value to existing productive initiatives and/or implement new businesses that are aligned with the principles of the solidarity economy.
Infographic - Creative Territory Project: Cycle that young people and women go through, hand in hand with Pisada do Sertão, to become entrepreneurs. For more information access: https://www.pisadadosertao.org/en/territorio-criativo
In this social business, the intention is to circulate local economies, seeking to transform young people and women into artisans/craftswomen and entrepreneurs/entrepreneurs with a lot of autonomy.
Imbued with an enormous desire to generate impact, Pisada do Sertão develops this action with the potential to impact the artisanal economy in Paraíba, following some of the following purposes: making sales of products and services, producing exhibition fairs, business roundtables, promoting the integration between small formal and informal entrepreneurs from each partner municipality, showing how entrepreneurship is a real possibility for improving life and local development, especially when it joins forces, that is, when it expands its network with new partnerships.
Therefore, in order to preserve and spread the knowledge and economic potential of the hands, from the upper hinterland of Paraíba, that sculpt, weave, perpetuate traditions and produce stories, Pisada do Sertão has already joined in partnership with ten municipalities in the region.
Image 1: Course Patchwork em Joca Claudino. Image 2: Photography Course in Monte Horebe. Fonte: Pisada do Sertão. Fonte: Pisada do Sertão.
Finally, for everyone's knowledge, it is very important to inform you that ten (10) creative fairs have already been held in the territories of: Santa Helena, Monte Horebe, São José de Piranhas, Triunfo, São João do Rio do Peixe, Uiraúna, Poço by José de Moura, Bernardino Batista, Joca Claudino and, recently, Cajazeiras. On this path of boosting business, transforming lives, realizing dreams, on average, 160 entrepreneurs participated in exhibitions and/or creative business fairs, and are being registered in the virtual business catalog (www.territoriocriativopb.com.br) of Pisada do Sertão.
Catalog access link: www.territoriocriativopb.com.br
Mapa: Pisadas nas Feiras Criativas do Alto Sertão Paraibano
Find out more about the fairs on our channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PisadadoSert%C3%A3o